Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ground Rules

Okay, there's some ground rules you all are going to need to know to stay up to speed.

Code names: Since I've my own code name you can tell I'm into them. Here are others that'll be

Mrs. Blue avenger will be Angel
Daughter the eldest will be Punkin
Daughter the younger will be Sweetheart
Oldest son will be The Boy
Second oldest son will be MG
Youngest son will be Mkey

As this blog progresses abbreviations will probably develop. Here is one of the first ones: GR - stands for ground rules. Knowing these will make you part of an elite group. Isn't that special. You betcha Red Rider.

All for now

Blue Avenger out


Friday, November 28, 2008


Hey, I'm excited. Ya wanta know why? Well I'll tell ya. I just got a great deal on a warehouse full of no-prizes. I think that they may be a bit irregular but I looked at a few and they seemed fine and I just couldn't beat the price. This guy, Stan, was a real nice guy and he assured me that nobody would ever be able to tell the difference. What this means to you all is that from time to time I will be awarding no-prizes for any outstanding contributions or heck, even when I just feel like it. So percolate on that until next time. 'Nuff said.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

To Blog

Well I'm going to start a blog

A bog? You mean like a swamp or somthing?

No, no, no, not bog, BLOG! Although it certainly might be a morass of stuff.

Oh! a blog! Hmm, that sounds like a big log.

Yes, I guess it does but it actually is derived from web log.

A log with webs on it, like from spiders and such? It's sounding more like a swamp again.

Oh good grief! You're not getting it at all. Look, I can talk to myself until I'm blue in the face and you still won't get it so why don't you just read along and I think you'll pick up the general drift of things as you go.

Hmm, okay, though I still think it sounds like a swamp.
