Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dawn of Mankind

Peering back through the mists of time we see two hairy bi-peds with a glimmer of inteligence in their eyes.

It is the Dawn of Mankind........

On of the bi-peds hits the other with a large club.

Eeg - Hey! Why you do that?
Oog - It called "aggression." I just invented it.

The other bi-ped takes his club and with a long sweeping arc hits the first one in the legs knocking him to the ground.

Eeg - Hey! Why you do that?
Oog - It called "humor." I just invented it. It like "aggression" only funnier.

The mists of time close in once again.


Saturday, September 5, 2009



Origonality is the art of hiding your sources -

Variously ascribed


Origonality is a genetic mutation -



I'm such a genious that I often don't understand a word I'm saying -

Oscar Wilde


Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm back

I'm back

All for now

Blue Avenger out
